Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Richard Linche: 1548-1601, Sonnet XXII

LOOK, as a bird, through sweetness of the call,
      doth clean forget the fowler’s guileful trap;
Or one that gazing on the stars, doth fall
      in some deep pit, bewailing his mishap:
So wretched I, whilst, with Lynceus’ eyes,
      I greedily beheld her angel’s face,
Was straight entangled with such subtilties,
      as, ever since, I live in woful case.
Her cheeks were roses laid in crystal glass;
      her breasts, two apples of Hesperides;
Her voice, more sweet than famous THAMIRAS,
      reviving death with Doric melodies:
I, hearkening so to this attractive call,
Was caught, and ever since have lived in thrall.


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